Short Term Foster Homes

Presently, all of our wonderful companion animals live in foster homes until they fall in love with a human who needs their companionship.  For us, foster homes are a really big need. So, if you are not sure if you are ready for a permanent four-footed companion, or if you want to try it out for a while to see if you are ready to share your life, love and home with a furry friend, or if you have furry friends already but have room in your heart and home for one or more foster animals, then please contact us. PA Caring Hearts will provide the food, medical, and necessary supplies. You just have to provide the love.   

Long Term Foster Homes

Are you interested being an extra special foster home, fostering a senior animal who requires special care for a period of time until their health improves, or maybe a cat or dog that requires long-term or ongoing special care?  PA Caring Hearts will of course provide all medical care and supplies, with you providing the TLC and home environment, which is always so much better for an animal than any shelter can provide.

Dogs or Cats Needing Hospice Care

For dogs or cats that arrive with untreatable terminal illnesses, PA Caring Hearts has a hospice program. Hospice means taking a dog or cat into your home and giving it palliative care, love, and a wonderful life until it is their time to cross the rainbow bridge. It can be a very rewarding experience for both the dog and cat and for the hospice family.  All palliative care costs are covered by PA Caring Hearts.  We also offer support and guidance. Having hospice homes ready and waiting for new arrivals is tremendously helpful! 

Animals available for Long Term Foster or Hospice:

If you are interested in providing a long term foster home or hospice care to one of our amazing animals, please consider filling out our online foster form or contact Liz at (484) 877-6624 Thanks so much for opening your heart and home to one of our special animals!