Did you know you can help our rescues just by shopping at Giant? We’re selling Giant Gift Cards for $25.00 each and you can buy as many as you want. For every card sold, Giant will donate 5% back to the rescue animals at PA Caring Hearts. Cards can be used for gas or groceries. This will be an ongoing fundraiser. We all need groceries so let’s knock this one out of the park! To order, please contact Marjo Heimbach at 484-860-5025 or email
Update on the Redner’s receipt program called Save A Tape. We can send in receipts that are up to 3 years old and Redner’s will rebate a portion back to PA Caring Hearts. Anyone have old receipts you can share with us? In a time when we can’t meeting in person to have events to help the dogs and cats, please ask your friends and neighbors if they can help too. If you shop at Redner’s and can help, please send receipts to Marjo Heimbach at 246 South 16th Street, Emmaus, PA 18049.